successful story


Real life success stories from satisfied Benecol users

  •    Ms. Luk 50+
    LDL 4.11 ➜ 3.10

    I used to lunch and dinner in restaurant for more than 20 years and I discovered that I got high cholesterol problem 2 years ago. I started to control my diet and eat oatmeal as breakfast 1 year ago in order to lower the cholesterol. However, it was ineffective. Then my friend introduced Benecol yogurt drink to me. I was glad that my cholesterol has lowered significantly after consumed in 3 consecutive weeks.

  •    Mr. Lam 30+
    LDL 3.98 ➜ 3.50

    I like to eat fried food as I thought I was still young and never noticed that it will be the cause of high cholesterol problem. After joining Benecol product trial program, I learned about Benecol yogurt drink and its function. My LDL has dropped a lot after drinking Benecol yogurt drink daily for a month. The product is small and easy to bring out which could be easily bought in the supermarket. I highly recommend it to the people who have high cholesterol problem.

  •    Ms. Ngan 30+
    LDL 3.62 ➜ 1.24

    I know that my cholesterol was not satisfied as I used to eat in the restaurants owing to my work and hangout with my friends. Therefore, I was very interested in joining the Benecol product trial program. This program let me know that it is easy and convenient to maintain a healthy cholesterol level. Benecol yogurt drink is also very tasty.

  •    Ms. Lee 25+
    LDL 3.97 ➜ 2.41

    I never thought that I could have such a good result for my cholesterol after drinking Benecol yogurt drink in 3 consecutive weeks. After joining the product trial program, it let me knew that my cholesterol problem was not genetic. Drinking Benecol yogurt drink with regular excise was the most effective and easy way for me to lower the cholesterol.

  •    Ms. Cheng 50+
    LDL 4.11 ➜ 3.18

    My cholesterol was dropped after consuming Benecol yogurt drink in 3 consecutive weeks and it had enhanced my confidence toward the efficacy of Benecol yogurt drink. A bottle of Bencol yogurt drink per day had become part of my life.

  •    Mr. Kwan 35+
    LDL 9.80 ➜ 6.20

    Mr. Kwan did not notify about his high cholesterol problem. The total cholesterol index is the double of the normal one and the LDL cholesterol index is triple of the standard index. “After drinking Benecol, the result was satisfied and the taste of the product is good. Two flavors of yogurt drink is available and it is easy to drink. I would like to recommend Benecol to my family and friends who have serious cholesterol problem.”

  •    Ms. Yip 40+
    LDL 4.63 ➜3.27

    Ms. Yip usually use simmer and boil method to cook. Therefore she has neglected the high cholesterol problem owning to the healthy eating habit. She had a body check one year ago and found that her cholesterol was excess the standard level but has ignored the problem. “After drinking a bottle of Benecol in consecutive three weeks, it lowers nearly 30% of my LDL cholesterol successfully. It is also convenient to buy the product in supermarkets.“

  •    Mr. Lee 45+
    LDL 5.04➜ 4.34

    Mr. Lee used to go out for meal at least once per week. Although he already known his high cholesterol problem, he was still not willing to change his dietary habit and lifestyle or eat medicine to lower cholesterol. “I’m surprised with the cholesterol lowering efficacy of Benecol with around 17.5% of my LDL cholesterol was reduced, it is easy and convenient for me to lower cholesterol through drinking Benecol. The texture of yogurt drink is good and blueberry is my favorite flavor. “

  •     Ms. Law 55+
    LDL 3.65 ➜ 2.97

    Being a housewife, Ms. Law is less likely to go out for meal. She will cook for herself and will cook some simple household meals daily. After three weeks of continuous consumption of Benecol, the cholesterol level has reduced by more than 10%. The result has surprised me and it proved the efficacy of the product.

  •    Mr. Yeung 55+
    LDL 3.67 ➜ 3.45

    Mr. Yeung used to has regular exercise and he is physically strong. He always concern about his health and conducts body check every year. The doctor revealed that his health condition is ideal but need to pay more attention to his cholesterol level. “I need to go out for meal owning to work and hangout with friends, thus it is difficult to have healthy diet . Although my cholesterol number is not at a high level, I would like to lower my cholesterol through a non-pharmacological therapies. The ingredients of Benecol are natural and without side-effects after drinking. Drinking one bottle per day has already helped me to lower my cholesterol to normal level."

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